Les records de tir longue distance

Les records de tir longue distance

Jeremy Compiegne

L'Histoire des Records de Tir à Longue Distance : Une Quête Sans Fin Le tir à longue distance est une discipline fascinante qui pousse les limites de la technologie, de...

Les records de tir longue distance

Jeremy Compiegne

L'Histoire des Records de Tir à Longue Distance : Une Quête Sans Fin Le tir à longue distance est une discipline fascinante qui pousse les limites de la technologie, de...

Comment régler sa lunette de carabine dans les règles de l'art ?

How to properly adjust your rifle scope?

Jeremy Compiegne

Adjusting a rifle optic is an essential step in the life of a sports shooter or hunter, knowing how to do it yourself is a step in itself in the...

How to properly adjust your rifle scope?

Jeremy Compiegne

Adjusting a rifle optic is an essential step in the life of a sports shooter or hunter, knowing how to do it yourself is a step in itself in the...

Mesurer la létalité d’une munition de chasse

Measuring the lethality of hunting ammunition

Jeremy Compiegne

The lethality of a hunting ammunition is a very complex element to characterize in the field, a large number of variables make it difficult to evaluate the performance of a...

Measuring the lethality of hunting ammunition

Jeremy Compiegne

The lethality of a hunting ammunition is a very complex element to characterize in the field, a large number of variables make it difficult to evaluate the performance of a...

Régularité de vitesses pour la pratique du tir longue distance (TLD)

Speed ​​regularity for long distance shooting (TLD) practice

Jeremy Compiegne

In this article, we will discuss the consistency of our speeds for long distance shooting practice. Analyzing target groups remains fairly simple, but it gets more complicated when analyzing our...

Speed ​​regularity for long distance shooting (TLD) practice

Jeremy Compiegne

In this article, we will discuss the consistency of our speeds for long distance shooting practice. Analyzing target groups remains fairly simple, but it gets more complicated when analyzing our...